• Cover that Drain
  • Justin

    Justin Stroup is a Product Manager at New Pig and responsible for the containment, urethane, berms, barriers, containers and stormwater product lines. He has developed patented products in these fields that have won several industry awards. Justin brings a technical view to New Pig with degrees in electro-mechanical engineering and automotive technology.

  • Tim Millersays:
    11/12/2014 at 7:15 am Reply

    I have some questions about drain covers

    If stored outside rolled up in a tube will they maintain a memory?

    How do they perform in low temperatures – 20 c

    What is the recommended procedure for placement over a 24”x 24” catch basin

    For example would you place bags of sand on top?

    • Andysays:
      11/12/2014 at 11:58 am Reply

      Hi Tim,
      When storing the PIG DrainBlocker Drain Covers in one of our carrying cases, the cover will not maintain a memory. The covers are heavy enough that they will lay flat when unrolled for deployment. When storing our Drain Covers outdoors, if possible, try to store in a location that is not in direct sunlight all day long. Storing in a location out of direct sunlight will extend the life of the covers.
      The drain covers can be used in a wide temperature range. We recommend storing the product in temperatures between 0° and 120°F (-18° to 49°C). When deploying the drain covers, the temperature limits for use are between 0° and 160°F (-18° to 71°C) for up to 12 months. Using the cover at 20°c (68°F) will not be a problem at all; this is the ideal temperature for using all of our urethane products.
      All of our PIG DrainBlocker Drain Covers will be deployed using the same procedure. The covers must be deployed on a clean, dry surface. If the surface is dirty, oily or wet, an adequate seal cannot be obtained. The covers must overlap the drain by a minimum of 3″ on all sides of the drain. For a 24″ x 24″ drain, you would need a cover that is 30″ W x 30″ L (PLR402 or PLR902) in order to provide the required 3″ overlap. The bottom portion of the cover that comes into contact with the drain and grate is made of a tacky polyurethane material. The tacky material makes our covers self-sticking and therefore will not require any sandbags or sealants to hold the product in place on the drain. After the cover has been used, always thoroughly clean dirt, debris and spill residue from the product with warm, soapy water before storing it. Always use the protective plastic sheet to prevent the product from touching itself or coming into contact with the storage container.
      Hope this helps! If you have more questions, please let us know.

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