• 10 Consensus Standards You Might Be Violating
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  • Oscar Philipssays:
    01/08/2019 at 12:31 pm Reply

    Knowing that OSHA moves slow, and many of the consensus standards organizations do not, to what extent does OSHA “automatically” adopt new or revised consensus standards as they are adopted and approved by each standards making body?

    For example, OSHA refers to IEEE Std 1307–2004, IEEE Standard for Fall Protection for Utility Work in Appendix G to §1910.269, but this IEEE Standard was updated, with some more restrictive requirements in late 2018.

    • Isabella Andersensays:
      01/15/2019 at 10:01 am Reply

      Hi Oscar,

      Like creating and revising their own regulations, it takes OSHA a while to adopt the latest versions of consensus standards because when they choose to add or update a consensus standard, the addition or revision goes must still go through the rulemaking process.

      While facilities are permitted – and encouraged- to use the most recent version of a standard if it provides additional protection, OSHA can only enforce the requirements of the specific version of the standard that is referenced in their regulations.

      Hope this answers your question!


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