• Customer Questions: Flammable Cabinet Self-Closing Doors & Colors
  • Brittany

    Brittany Massaro leads New Pig’s marketing automation team. She works with marketers to create and disseminate information to help customers comply with regulations, select the appropriate products for their applications, stay safe and protect their environments.

  • shefasays:
    10/25/2018 at 4:11 am Reply

    Q: Do I have to monitor the temperature in side the cabinet? if so how can I do this?

    • Isabella Andersensays:
      04/02/2019 at 10:44 am Reply

      Hi Shefa,

      Thanks for your question! Neither OSHA nor the NFPA have a requirement to measure the temperature on the inside of a flammable storage cabinet. However, it’s important to know the flashpoints and flammability ranges of the liquids that will be stored inside your cabinets and to place them in areas away from open flames or other heat sources that could cause vapors to ignite.


  • Timsays:
    04/30/2019 at 9:24 am Reply

    What do you mean by this statement? “Some municipalities in other states selectively require flammable safety cabinets to be fitted with self-closing doors to comply with safety regulations” My State of Iowa is on this list. Do you mean some cities and towns may have a requirement through the AHJ for self-closing cabinets? Thank You.

    • Isabella Andersensays:
      07/02/2019 at 12:13 pm Reply

      Hi there, thanks for your question! OSHA’s flammable liquids regulation and NFPA 30 apply nationwide. Some states and local municipalities have chosen to adopt additional NFPA standards such as NFPA 1 to supplement the national requirements. In states that have chosen to adopt NFPA 1 in addition to the national requirements, self-closing doors are required on flammable storage cabinets [NFPA 1,]. Iowa is one of those states. Other states have chosen to let local municipalities decide whether to adopt the additional standards. This is common in states where manufacturing may be prevalent in one or two cities, but sparse in other areas of the state.

      If your state or municipality has incorporated one of these additional standards into their requirements, the AHJ would simply be enforcing that requirement. Remember, however, that the AHJ does have final say. He or she knows the local codes, conditions and vulnerabilities that exist in and around your facility. If he or she has visited your facility and determined that self-closing doors are necessary to reduce risk, treat it as a requirement – just as if it was written in a federal, state or local regulation.

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